Monique Gomez

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Active Listening is key to connection

Ever feel like you and your partner just can’t seem to get on the same page?

No matter how hard you try, it feels like something’s always off?

Poor communication is a huge reason people struggle in their relationship. When you can’t communicate effectively (key word here 👀), it’s tough to connect on a deeper level.

When that deep connection is missing, your sexual desire and overall satisfaction can take a hit, leading to even more frustration.

It sucks to feel like you aren’t being heard and so much of communication is about feeling heard.

But here’s the good news: effective communication is a skill you can learn and improve over time.

A great starting point is mastering active listening.

Active Listening Tips:

  • Be fully present and attentive

  • Acknowledge and reflect back what you’ve heard: “Is this what you mean?”

  • Seek clarity when needed


  • Interrupting

  • Getting defensive

  • Turning it into an argument

I dive deeper into these techniques in this week’sIntimate Insights​.

Remember, effective communication is a cornerstone of intimacy.

Don’t let misunderstandings keep you from the deep connection you deserve.

