Monique Gomez

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Empower Your Inner Magician Part 2

Last week we talked about 4 qualities that are vital to develop as you get Empower Your Inner Magician for transformation. 

Today I want to give you 5 more qualities that you can work with to EMPOWER YOU as you consciously decide to AWAKEN

When we have extra space in life, meaning extra time, it can be challenging to know what to do in it.  But I'm here to remind you there is nothing to really do.

You have permission to just BE.

Be in your body, your heart and your spirit which leads to empowering your inner magician. Your inner magician is the creator. When you tap into that space, you begin to see the power you have which helps in a time of feeling powerless. 

Remember, you have everything you need inside you to manifest any desire which might include:

  • Your health and well being
  • Having deeper connections in relationships
  • More pleasure
  • Better sexual experiences (including better orgasms)
  • Living in alignment with your true self

There are 9 qualities you can begin to develop to bring empower your body, spirit, heart and sexual energy. 

Today, I will share the last 5 qualities so you can consider creating a practice around them.

Just like a mediation practice or yoga practice, you develop more skill when you are dedicated to your process. 

Each quality is an invitation to come deeper into who you truly are and express all aspects of you. 

You are a sexual magician. Your body is your vessel to trust, connect with, listen to and empower. You are have everything you need inside you to become the best version of yourself.

Remember, you can learn how to transform your sexual energy into a force that works with you, awakens you, and aligns you with your true purpose.

Here are the last 5 qualities to empower your inner magician:

5. Imagination

Imagination allows us to wonder and get curious.  It is the creative thread that ties where we are now to where we want to be.  When you use imagination as a way to create and manifest, you are not using it as a way to disconnect. Therefore, nothing is predefined or predetermined.

6. Wildness

This is permission to explore and release your most uninhibited desires and energies.  Freeing this wild energy brings you to your vital power.  Your body can express the wild animal you are. Your urges, senses and sexual drive are all part of the wild animal that lives inside you. Reclaim the beauty of your own wild animal instincts to harness the powerful energies to create and manifest.

7. Grounded

Your ability to stay centered and solid in a world of chaos and unknown.  This is how the magician keeps their center. In sexual experiences, you stay grounded in yourself, which allows greater connection to your partner, your spirit and your body.

8. Trust

You must trust yourself before you can trust your lover. You must trust that your energy is your power and your power is not going to hurt you.  Trusting your body, your intuition and your heart are all part of bringing magic into your life.

9. Commitment

This work is a practice that you can choose to engage in the rest of your life. There is freedom in commitment and therefore, committing to your magic will open up your sexual expression.  When you hit times of difficulty, challenge or doubts, it is the commitment to your sexual evolution that keeps you going.  I want you to consider these qualities for the next week.  Grab a journal and reflect on how you already work with these areas and how you want to evolve in each. 

Your sexual evolution begins with your inner evolution.  

Remember, you are worth your time and attention. You deserve to feel pleasure, aliveness, and your raw truth.

Have fun exploring,

PS-Are you following me on Instagram and Facebook? If not make sure you get on that because I post videos with embodiment practices, meditations, and sexual energy cultivation.  Follow me @_moniquegomez_