Monique Gomez

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How To Deal With Change

Do you ever feel like you can’t seem to find your grounding?
Like life is constantly throwing new hurdles your way to see how high you can jump? You can learn how to deal with change so you can navigate the hurdles with acceptance and grace.

I'm sure you have heard the saying change is the only constant in life. Nothing stays the same. Nothing will be as it once was.

As easy as it is to say the words, the actual dealing with change can be a difficult and painful process. 

Change is not easy and if you are anything like me, dealing with change is not always graceful.

Grow and Be Better is a little quote on my new favorite t-shirt.  Every time I wear this new t-shirt, people comment how much they like it. Growing and Be Better requires change. You can't grow unless something changes.

As hard as change is, we know deep down that the prospect of growth is something we want because we can be better versions of ourselves.

So this week I want to give a few tips on how to deal with change so maybe you can find a bit more grace in the growing process.

How to deal with change:

  • Be honest with yourself about the new situation
  • Allow your emotions to come up
  • Release the emotional charge in healthy ways
  • Find support through the process
  • Acceptance of the new circumstances
  • Remind yourself change is the natural result of evolution

Evolution requires an allowance of change. You are capable of growing past the boundaries that keep you where you currently are. 

Expand past your comfort zones to find new potentials for yourself. 

It can be terrifying to get out of the comfort of what you have created and what you feel good in doing.  But there is always room for growth, new perspectives, and for new depths and reach into who you really are. 

Don’t sell yourself short.  You are capable for a deep understanding of your true self. This new awareness will require change.

Remember, you are never alone in the change process.  There is always a positive growth opportunity in every shift and every change you experience.

If you are feeling the call for support in your change, I can help.  I offer Inner Altar Sessions which are life coach sessions that go deep into the inner space, emotions and thoughts that keep you from your true potential. 

You can Grow and Be Better with nourishing support, acceptance and grace.