Your Greatest Super Power...Your Intuition
We all have a super power that is waiting inside us to help in any situation…it's our INTUITION.
Our intuition connects our body, mind, spirit and emotions.
It is the thing that takes all the elements of our being and creates connections to guide us.
That is why when we are doing something we know is on our true path, we feelhappy, full of energy, sometimes a little nervous but overall excited. When we are doing something that is not aligned with our intuition, we feellethargic, sad, irritable, or angry.
Our intuition communicates with us through our emotions and the feeling in our gut!
A big part of learning how to connect with your intuition is learning totrust your “gut feeling”.
The gut is considered the second brain of the body. It actually has its ownnervous system called the enteric nervous system. It hasmillions of nerve endings and holds 95% of our feel good hormone,serotonin.
Because of this, our gut connects our entire body.
There is a direct link between our thinking brain and gut brain. This is the reason why we feel stress and emotions in our gut.
You know those butterflies you get before you do something out of yourcomfort zone, or the pit in your stomach when you are doing something youreally don’t want to do. These are all ways our intuition is tying to getour attention.
Our intuition is shaped by all of our past experiences. It is the mostknowledgeable part of us. Therefore, your advice to yourself is the best adviceyou can get. You do not need to look outside of yourself for answers…yourintuition knows the best answer for YOU.
Tension, anxiety and stress are created when we don’t listen to our innerguide.
Overtime, this causes symptoms in the physical body like pain, digestiveissues, sleep disturbances, headaches, frequent illness, decreased energy, andchanges in libido.
We are not meant to live in a constant state of stress.
Connecting with your Intuition
It is vital to build a relationship with this SUPER POWER. Practicelistening to your intuition and take action according to what it is showingyou. A great way to do this is by slowing down and taking time for yourself.
You can do guided meditations or just sit and notice what is happening inyour body and mind. This can be a simple 10 minutes in the morning orbefore bed.
To notice is to listen. So notice your inner world.
What is it that your mind or spirit is struggling with?
Let your body guide you to the answer you need to feel at ease.
There is always space for you to connect with your SUPER POWER.