Hey, I’m Monique.
I’m so happy you’re here!
Why I do what I do
My mission is to support and inspire you to live in a body you love, let go of shame around sex, feel pleasure, embrace your creativity and express your authentic self.
I’m an educator, artist and booty shaking movement teacher dedicated to helping you reclaim your sexuality on your terms.
Growing up in a Latin family, sex was RARELY talked about. If it was, the fear of sin loomed and the heaviness of shame was always attached. The education I got in school wasn't any better with abstinence being the focus.
The overall message for a female bodied kid like me was…”Sex is bad and should only happen if you were married to a man." Even then, don’t talk about it. Keep it private. Be a good girl.”
Sound familiar?
I didn’t know what to do with my sexuality. I felt lost and ashamed that I had all these thoughts, feelings, urges that every adult seemed to freak out about. Then when I became an adult, I still had no idea what to do.
So I did what I do best, I opened books and got curious.
The universe transpired and sent opportunities to learn about a new way to experience my sexuality in the form of Tantra, mindfulness, body acceptance, and shameless pleasure. I also learned how to move my sexual trauma out of my body through dance and primal movement.
I’ve spent almost two decades studying the body, mind, soul and overall wellness from many perspectives and what I came to realize is that sex is a foundational part of being a body owning human yet it continues to hide in the shadows.
I felt as if every community I found had interesting things to say about life, love, partnership, body, health, spirituality, emotions, and yet sexuality seemed to be skimmed over or not included in the conversation.
I decided I wanted to be the one to talk about it. To use my voice to have conversations and create ways you can learn about your body, sex, love, and desires in a safe and shame free environment.
My mission is to support and inspire you to live in a body you love, let go of shame around sex, feel pleasure, embrace your creativity and express your authentic self.
Life is too short not to fully enjoy your body, heart, and soul.
Trainings & Certifications
Mental Health Counseling, MA
Sexual Health Alliance Certification
Certified Grief Counselor (CGC)
Trauma & Grief Certification
Human Sexuality Certification
Community Health Education, BA