Allowing Your Big Dreams Guide

Do you allow yourself to dream BIG?
You know those BIG dreams that others might think are crazy or out there, or the dreams that you are scared to dream? 

What do you desire out of life?

I had a vision of myself that one day I would be on stage teaching.  I envisioned hundreds of people in a room listening to me speak.  At the time I had this vision or desire, I was far from being comfortable with public speaking...and honestly it still terrifies me.

Then a couple months ago, in my inbox, I got an email from TedXABQ, the local Ted Talk community in Albuquerque, NM.  It was a call for speakers for the 2019 women's event.  It intrigued me and a little voice inside said "Apply. Just apply and see what happens." 

Well, I ended up applying on the deadline date. I put together an application and hit submit.  Not really thinking I would get it but wanting to stretch myself to show the universe I’m recognizing my vision. 

Fast forward 2 months later, as I'm sick in bed, I get an email congratulating me that I was chosen to be one of 8 speakers at the TedxABQ Women’s event. 

OMG! What just happened? 

I had a mini freak out reading the email and wanted to hide away and say no to the opportunity.

This is a dream I had, yet didn’t realize how quickly it would manifest.

To me this desire I had and vision of myself with the work I do was just in my internal world, my imagination space.  I was daydreaming about the possibility of one day being like some of my role models, Brene Brown, Oprah, Marie Forleo. 

I was not or still not in a place of comfort in my biggest dreams. 

But I let myself go there because it's important to accept your biggest desires and not push them aside as we are taught.  

Don't be realistic in your dreaming. You have no idea how your dreams can come true. 

Maybe your dream right now is to wake up and feel good in your body, or to enhance your relationship with your partner, or start that business you’ve been thinking about for years.  Whatever the dream is, I’m here to say go for it!!!

Life is short. We don’t know how long we have on this beautiful planet so make it all count.  Go for your wildest dreams!

So, my dears, as you take time this week gathering with friends and family for Thanksgiving, I invite you to slow down in the chaos and remember to keep envisioning and feeling what you want from this world.

And then, if it feels safe, share your dreams with others. 

You don’t need to have a plan for the dream to come to fruition.

This is only about the dream and trusting that somehow you will find it and it will find you.

You are a powerful manifesting being and can really dream anything you want into reality.

Intuitive Inspirations:

  • Write down your dreams. Tell them to friends and family.  Don’t bow down to the overarching fear of dreams that our culture creates. 
  • If I could wake up everyday in ease and joy, what would my day look like?
  • What is my dream job?
  • What does my dream day look like?
  • What is my dream relationship? This can be friendship or partnership or relationship with your child.

Happy Thanksgiving for my USA friends!  And to everyone, I am grateful for all of your support and love. 

Have fun exploring!


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