Divine Feminine: Breaking Through the Virgin/Whore Polarity

Earlier this week, I came across this sentence…

“We can only have the pleasures of the body if we sacrifice the rewards of the spirit.”

It got me thinking…how have I been participating in this in belief?

Unfortunately, this feels like a huge belief most of our culture has bought into.  The idea that if you are spiritual or on a spiritual path, experiencing human pleasures are inferior because you are above it. 

This brings me to the virgin/whore polarity that women go through and men perceive. 

As I have grown into the woman I am today, I can reflect on the many ebbs and flows I have experienced in life where I was one or the other. I would go from the good girl (virgin) to the bad girl (whore) then back again.  The cycle continued until I wake up to see it is all a false belief!

You do not have to choose to live one or the other…it is the balance and acceptance of both. 

Sex is a spiritual act.  During sex, we have the potential to drop all ego and be completely in the moment. 

Isn’t that what all spiritual teachings are about?  Great masters teach how to get out of your mind and into the Now.  Sex can be the greatest practice of dropping into the moment and into your sacred body.

A divide has been created in our culture regarding sex and spirituality.  Many religions teach that the body is bad, sinful, distracting or not needed to be spiritually connected.

Bringing in the divine feminine is bringing in the love and full expression of the sensual body.  

The divine feminine is the earthy, dark, raw, wild part of you.  It is sacred to express this in sex and it is also very spiritual.

You are a soul having a human experience. Part of that human experience is being in your exquisite sensual body. 

The recognition of your sensual self is the most spiritual act one can have. 

So this week I invite you to hold space for these questions:

  • What beliefs do you hold about your body, sex and spirit? 
  • Do you allow these to be harmonious or are there feelings of shame, guilt, or disconnect?

Remember, you are worth your time and attention! Bringing your awareness to your perceptions is a powerful practice to bring you to a more authentic expression.


Own Your Pleasure


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