How To Build A Relationship With Your Pussy

Women hold the power of life, the ultimate creative energy. We hold the mystery of the unknown between our thighs.  Whatever you call your vagina, yoni or pussy, it is the relationship with her that must be cultivated. Therefore, knowing how to build a relationship with your pussy is key to unlock your sexual center and true self.

Like any relationship, the relationship with your sexual center is one that must be cultivated. For the majority of women, their pussy is shut down, forgotten or abused without any consciousness of it happening. 

Women have been programmed to believe their sacred space is bad and dirty.  And talking about our woman parts is still quite taboo. 

We are inundated with sex, yet lack the confidence of our own sexual world.  On top of all that, we ignore our own pussy power. It's time for a change.

Experts say communication is vital in a healthy relationship.  Well, if you want to have a better relationship with yourself, why not start communicating with your pussy?

Communicating could mean various things.  I am not saying you need to start having full on conversations with your pussy, although it’s not a bad idea.

I am saying to get in touch with your sexual center through awareness, intention and touch.

Think about it...

  • When was the last time you thought about your pussy as a source of strength, beauty and mystery and not as a thing you have to deal with once a month? 
  • When was the last time you held her gently with gratitude? 
  • Have you ever sat quietly with focus on your pussy? 

Typically, women are not taught to honor our precious gem.  Instead, we are taught to ignore our pussy, it's off limits, and seen as bad or dirty.  Then when puberty hits, we begin our bleed which we hide as quickly as possible. 

It's not discussed or acknowledged. You stick a tampon up there and pretend it’s not happening.

We resent any symptom that come along with our monthly cycle.  And we do not celebrate or honor it as a time of great shedding and release.

Your pussy is an energetic force with secrets to share. 


4 ways to connect with your pussy...the keys to unlock your sexual center & true self


Write down the beliefs you have about your vagina…all of them…the good the bad the ugly.  What do you think about the space between your thighs? Be honest. Let the paper hold the truth.


Answer thesequestions:

  • What do you remember about the day you started menstruating?
  • Do you remember it?
  • What feelings did you have?
  • Did you share it with someone or keep it to yourself?
  • How do you feel now when you start your monthly bleed? 
  • If you are no longer bleeding, what was the feeling you had when your bleed stopped?


The next time you have a private moment, it could be in bed or the shower, place your hands right over left, on your pussy.  Feel the shape and texture of your intimate space.  Keep in mind, the left side of the body is known as the feminine or receiving side, so placing your left hand directly on top gives the softer side a chance to connect. Make sure you are doing this in safe space. To learn more about safe space check out How To Create Safe Space for Evolution.


Bringing awareness to anything is the beginning of change. To shift your relationship with your sexual center, bring your awareness to it.  An unconditional love approach to building this relationship is very helpful. 

While you do these exercises, try to be as honest with yourself as you can be.  Try to give yourself space and time to find out more about your sacred temple.



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How to Create Safe Space for Evolution