6 Simple Ways to Celebrate Beltane

Today is Beltane...a day celebrating sexuality, sensuality, passion, joy, vitality and conception...which make up a few of my favorite things.  Maybe these are a few of your favorite things too. If so, below you will find 6 Simple Ways to Celebrate Beltane.

Beltane is a great time to bring ideas, dreams and hopes into action.

I am not a practicing Wiccan or pagan, but I do recognize the earth’s calendar and today is a day my witchy side runs wild.  So, today I make time to recognize the change of the season with altars, prayers, and manifestation magic.

What is Beltane ?

It's an old Gaelic festival celebrating the midpoint between Spring Equinox and summer solstice. The sun is shinning bright giving mama earth the energy she needs to produce.  Also, it symbolizes the divine masculine and feminine energies merging to create life.

Remember, you have both the masculine and feminine divine energies within you. No matter what gender you are, they both exist inside, so take today to celebrate them. 

Ways to Celebrate Beltane

Maybe you are feeling a little lost in how to celebrate Beltane, no problem. Here are a few ways you can honor this potent time of the year:

  • Honor mama earth-go for a walk, have a picnic, hug a tree.  Or if you want to celebrate the traditional way, stay out all night collecting flowers, branches and make love under the moon.
  • Have sex! It can be with your partner or yourself…whatever you are working with is good!
  • Conceive a new project that speaks to your soul
  • Decorate a tree-use ribbons to represent wishes for this new cycle of the year.
  • Build a fire-traditionally bonfires were used to symbolize the power of the sun, to bless the coming summer months and growing season and also to burn away negative influences.

Another way to recognize this time of year is to create a Sacred Altar. Honor the new season, the power of fertility, abundance and beauty by creating a sacred space that represents all those things.  

Beltane Altar Items:

  • Flowers and greenery
  • A candle- represent the sun
  • Seeds-fertility
  • Create an item that represents divine masculine and feminine merging.

Colors of Beltane:
Incorporate these colors in your celebration. 

  • Green-abundance, fertility, heart chakra
  • Red-passion, vitality, sexuality, sensuality, root chakra
  • White/Silver-purification, clearing out negative energy

Remember as you move through the day to follow your intuition on what feels good to you.

Now that you got the info about this sacred day, go out and celebrate in your own way!

Have fun and stay curious!


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