Meditation can increase your sexual satisfaction

Have you been feeling exhausted lately? Like you can’t seem to catch up on all that life is throwing at you?

Maybe you’re keeping up the juggle but you can feel you’re on the edge of dropping all the balls at once. 

Life moves fast and trying to keep up when you’re already feeling exhausted is hard. Then when you throw in time for self care, social events, and a satisfying sex life, it can feel overwhelming to say the least. 

Don’t give up hope yet because there is one simple practice you can start today that has incredible benefits like reducing stress and anxiety, increasing emotional intimacy, enhancing sexual satisfaction, improving body awareness, increasing libido, and increasing focus and concentration. 

Wanna know what it is?

Mindful meditation.

Yep, the simple practice of sitting and focusing on your breath has extraordinary benefits to your sexual health and overall wellbeing. 

Here’s some interesting statistics:

  • A study published in the journal Health Psychology found that mindfulness meditation can significantly lower stress levels. Participants who practiced mindfulness experienced a 30% reduction in stress. Lower stress levels can improve sexual desire and performance. High stress is known to impair sexual function and satisfaction, so managing stress through meditation can lead to a more fulfilling sex life.

  • Research in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience found that mindfulness meditation enhances emotional regulation and empathy. Practitioners showed improved ability to connect emotionally with others. More emotional intimacy can enhance sexual relationships by improving communication and connection with your partner, leading to a more satisfying sexual experience.

  • A study in The Journal of Sex Research indicated that individuals who engaged in mindfulness practices reported a 20% increase in sexual satisfaction. Mindfulness can lead to greater awareness and presence during sexual activity, which can enhance pleasure and satisfaction.

  • A study published in The Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy found that mindfulness meditation improves body awareness and body image. Participants reported a 25% increase in body awareness and a more positive body image. Better body awareness and a positive body image can lead to greater confidence and comfort during sexual activity, contributing to a better overall sexual experience.

  • Research published in The Archives of Sexual Behavior revealed that mindfulness meditation can lead to a 15% increase in libido among those who practice regularly. A higher libido and increased sexual desire can naturally enhance the frequency and quality of sexual encounters.

  • A study in Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience found that mindfulness meditation improves focus and cognitive function by about 20%. Improved concentration can lead to a more present and engaged sexual experience, reducing distractions and increasing overall satisfaction.

So as you can see, incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily routine can have a HUGE on your sexual experience. 

Your meditations do not have to be sexually focused in order to have the benefits on your sexual health. Any meditation practice will help.

Refill Your Well is a meditation course inspired by divine feminine which is all about slowing down so you can balance the stress of life.

This course has 5 video lessons that have a teaching from a feminine aspect and meditation all under 30 minutes. It also has journal prompts you can use to reflect for a deeper dive. 

You can do these meditations during your lunch break, sitting in your car waiting to pick up your kids, or before you go to bed at night. 

Refill Your Well
One time

A 5 day meditation journey created to lower stress, anxiety, and connect to the divine feminine. REFILL YOUR WELL is an opportunity to give energy, compassion, and love back to yourself so you can show up in the world as your fullest Self. During this program, you will connect to your inner world, create space to receive rather than give, and allow yourself time and attention.

Your sensuality and sexual health is just as important as all other parts of you and deserve your time and attention. 



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