Get Your Sacred Connection On

Are you aware how sacred you are?  Yes, you, my dear are a sacred being.  The mystery and magic that created the specific person you are is a process beyond what we can fully comprehend.  Because you are sacred, you can create sacred connection instantly.

It is important to hold yourself as the divine holy essence that is you.

You are special and you have a sacred home inside you. There is a greater knowing of what your true purpose is in this world. 

I believe our journey is to awaken that truth of our deepest self.

To remember this home takes practice of unwinding the cultural beliefs or thought forms that we have been exposed to since we were little kids. 

It takes attention and dedication to feel the truth of who you are. 

This is not an easy thing to do that’s why most people don’t doit.  To really know who you are is sacredwork and a willingness to let go of who you THINK you are.  But I know you can find this sacredconnection with yourself. 

When I talk about sacred connection, I’m talking about the feeling of peace in that connection.

Anything you connect with can be a sacred connection. 

When you connect with your mind, your body, your partner or the rose bush in the garden with intention and unconditional love you are creating a sacred connection.

Sacred connection is a practice.

It's all about learning how to unwind old beliefs that no longer serve you, bringing your attention to your truth to begin living a life of joy, satisfaction, gratitude and unconditional love.

What makes something sacred?




Learn more about living in Mindfulness here.

How do you feel when you are living in sacred connection with yourself?

  • Balance between your inner and outer world
  • Trust yourself
  • Listen and follow to Your intuition
  • Confidence
  • Stand in Your Authenticity
  • Feel at ease in Your Body
  • Connection with Your sexual energy channels

An Instant Way to Connect to Your Sacred Home

Going into nature, the ocean, the mountain, the meadow, all placesthat support the mysterious truth of creation and sacred connection.


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