The Power of Embodiment

This week I was honored to be a guest on the True Creator Podcast hosted by Allison Holley

We dove into the Power of Embodiment and talked about my journey to this work. 

As some of you might know, it has been a long and windy road to get to where I am today.  (You can learn more about my journey here.)

On this episode, I talk about growing up Catholic, how much religion influences your relationship with sex and body, addiction, Kundalini awakenings and much more!

She asked what am I most passionate about right now and without hesitation I said empowerment. 

I'm here to empower you to awaken and connect to your body, sexuality, sensuality and erotic nature so you can feel pleasure without shame, guilt, insecurities or old patterns that hold you back from being the gorgeous bright light you are.

There is so much fear in our culture around sex and sensuality. We have experienced sex as a way to have power and control which is very out of balance from the spiritual act sex is. 

My passion is to help bring it back to balance and create a new sex education that is holistic. 

Sex is a sacred act you can use to connect to all your aspects.

It all begins with self-love. That is how you find the power of embodiment.

So that is my passion coming into 2020...What's yours?

How do you want to connect with your body and sexuality this year? 

What are ways I can support you in that? 

Please leave a comment or email me with your desires, questions, or lessons you want to learn. 

Remember, you are worth your time and attention.


Don't forget:
Erotic Emergence Retreat coming May 22-24 in Joshua Tree, CA. 
Early Bird Special is only $99 deposit before March 15 to hold your place.  Space is very limited to keep this retreat intimate so reserve your spot now. 

You will leave completely transformed and connected to your sexuality in a way you never thought possible. 

If you’re interested, email me for more info.


A New Sex Education


4 Keys To Embodiment