The Vagina Vocal Cord Connection

Did you know your vagina directly relates to your vocal cords?

Anatomically these areas of the body are of similar structure.  The idea of “open throat open vagina” might be an intuitive sense you yoni owners have, but there is actual similarities that exist. 

If you look at the anatomy, both the vocal cords and vagina share a similar shape. You know the one...the oval with the hole in the middle.

It’s also interesting to note that the word “cervix” comes from the Latin word for neck.  Your vocal cords sit in your cervical spine and the top of your vagina is where your cervix is.  The cervix is the “neck” of the uterus. 

They both are surrounded by diaphragmatic muscles that move in tandem with your breath.

Another interesting player in this connection is the vagus nerve.  This nerve is the thread that connects these two regions and it is also the largest nerve in the body. 

The vagus nerve is primarily a sensory nerve meaning it responds to skin touch, pressure and movement. This nerve is a central nerve in the body going from your sacrum up your spinal column to your brain.

Also, when you breathe, your diaphragm massages this nerve. The quality of your breath determines the nervous systems response. Breath is expressive power.

Have you noticed when you’re tense or stressed, your breath becomes shallow and short?  But when you find a deep belly breath, the entire body relaxes.  This is because of the vagus nerve. 

So relaxing your nervous system is as easy as finding that deep breath that flows all the way into your pelvis. Singing, humming, or yelling (preferably not at someone), are also ways to relax tension in your body, especially your pelvis. 

Think about it, making sounds of pleasure when engaged in sexual play calms the body, which helps you relax able to receive. 

Of course when you orgasm, releasing sounds, screams, “Oh YES!” is a natural response.  Your vagina is contracting and pulsing during orgasm so opening your vocal cords to make noise is a natural way to move the energy and express.

Another time this connection is very apparent is when a woman is giving birth.

The vocal cords must open for the sound to come through so the pelvis can open for the baby.  Toning, humming, singing are all ways you "soon to be mamas" can prepare for labor. 

Let the vibration of sound from your vocal cords connect to the cervix and vagina to move the energy between the two areas.

The vocal cords and vagina are also both points that contact the with outside world. 

They are both used for expression in relating to others. You use your voice to speak your needs, wants, desires and you use your vagina to express your sexual, creative energy. 

When you are not speaking your truth, the vocal cords get tight.  You notice your voice changes, it might get higher pitched or a shrill sounds when you’re not relaxed. 

The body tenses when you feel fear or stress.  Making sound can help release the tension.

Expressing yourself through your voice or sound is vital for embodiment. 

When you are embodied, you can express with ease. You can feel what your “yes” is and what your “no” is.  When you respect your truth your body is relaxed. Your throat relaxes and so does your pelvic floor. 

If you aren’t sure the status of you pelvic floor, you can tell by the quality of your breath, the feeling in your throat and the sound of your voice. 

Allowing the energy to flow between your vagina and your vocal cords creates balance and full expression of embodiment.

So breath deep, make sounds, and scream "Oh YES!" as much as possible!


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